
【外国人対象】日本料理教室 Japanese Cooking Class for Foreign Residents



[主催] 公益財団法人水戸市国際交流協会

◆日 時  平成31年2月2日(土) 12:30~15:30

◆場 所  水戸市国際交流センター 3F調理室

◆メニュー 恵方巻ずし,ほうれん草としめじのからししょうゆ和え,いちご大福

◆人 数  外国人市民15名(先着順)

◆参加費  1,000円/人

◆講 師  岡田 さかゑさん


Japanese Cooking Class for Foreign Residents

Join us for a hands-on cooking class! You will be able to learn about Japanese culture and traditions while preparing special dishes, just perfect for the traditional Setsubun event to welcome the arrival of spring.

◆Date & Time: Saturday, February 2, 2019, 12:30pm-3:30pm

◆Place: Mito International Center, 3F Kitchen

◆Fee: 1,000yen

◆Limit: Max 15 people (foreigners only)

Eho-Makizushi (Eho Sushi Roll)
Spinach and Shimeji-Mushroom Karashiae (Salad dressed in soy sauce with mustard)
Ichigo-Daifuku (Dumpling containing strawberry wrapped in smooth red bean paste)

◆Instructor: Ms. S. Okada

◆Application: Please sign up at the Mito International Center by Jan 30 (Wed) with fee 1,000yen.

Hosted by Mito City International Association


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